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Michishige Sayumi@Sai Sore Kai - 1 Grand Prix 2009


Michishige Sayumi@SPA! Magz


Aika no Pastel Days Blog Day 20

It’s almost Christmas~(^-^)v♪
How does everyone plan on spending their time? (*^^*)

The streetlight illuminations are so pretty
walking down the street just fills you up with Christmas spirit doesn’t it (*>▽<*)!!!!
I put up a small LED Christmas tree in our house entrance hallway (^□^)v
If you guys want, please decorate your houses up as well ★

☆Izu☆ Rushing into Day 2!!!!!
We went to see a dolphin show ♪
They let us copy the trainer on some moves (^ε^*)/
The dolphins are soooo cute (’▽’)
They’re so smart and their reflexes were amazing, it was a surprise for me (☆∨☆)!!!!
I was so happy they followed all of my signals (^_^)♪

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